Kamis, 14 Februari 2013

Kurikulum 2013

Ini nih, struktur kurikulum menurut Diknas yang sudah direvisi... Sejujurnya sih, aq belum tau inti dari konten kurikulum baru nie... tapi sedikit yang aq tau dari suatu sumber, klo salah satunya adalah mesti tematik mulai dari kelas 1 sampai 6... Klo selama ni kelas 1 s/d 3 aj kesulitan menerapkan tematik secara keseluruhan palagi buat kelas tinggi???? tapi sesuatu yang belum diketahui tidak pantaslah kalo dikomentari negatif. Ada ajaran prinsip yang selalu saya pegang, "JANGAN BERBICARA DULU SEBELUM TAHU DAN MEMAHAMI SECARA UTUH". tapi yang paling penting, Semoga dengan kurikulum baru nie, pendidikan di Indonesia lebih baik dan tidak semrawut....Amien ^_^

Struktur Kurikulum 2013

Dalam teori kurikulum (Anita Lie, 2012) keberhasilan suatu kurikulum merupakan proses panjang, mulai dari kristalisasi berbagai gagasan dan konsep ideal tentang pendidikan, perumusan desain kurikulum, persiapan pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, serta sarana dan prasarana, tata kelola pelaksanaan kurikulum --termasuk pembelajaran-- dan penilaian pembelajaran dan kurikulum.
Struktur kurikulum dalam hal perumusan desain kurikulum, menjadi amat penting. Karena begitu struktur yang disiapkan tidak mengarah sekaligus menopang pada apa yang ingin dicapai dalam kurikulum, maka bisa dipastikan implementasinya pun akan kedodoran.
Pada titik inilah, maka penyampaian struktur kurikulum dalam uji publik ini menjadi penting. Tabel 1 menunjukkan dasar pemikiran perancangan struktur kurikulum SD, minimal ada sebelas item. Sementara dalam rancangan struktur kurikulum SD ada tiga alternatif yang di mesti kita berikan masukan.

Klo boleh tanya, kenapa ada alternatif ? maksud dari alternatif tuh apa? Pilihan agar disesuaikan dengan kondisi qta ato malah pihak Diknas sendiri yang kebingungan ?????

Qta tunggu kabar selanjutnya saja dari Diknas.... bukan begitu??????????   ^_^


Rabu, 13 Februari 2013


Ni waktu acara apa ya??? lupa.... pokoknya ada acara PHBI di skul ^_^

Klo ni acara peringatan 17 Agustus ^_^


Klo ni acara refreshing di WBL ^_^

My Science Syllabus


Subject                                    : Science
School                                      : Primary School of Muhammadiyah 3 “IKROM” Wage
Grade / Semester                     : III / 2
Time Allocation                         :  x 35 Minutes
Standard Competence               : Physics, Forces and Motion
Theme                                      : My self

Based Competence
Culture value and Nation Character
Learning Experiences
Example of Instrument
Explore how forces can changes the shape of obeject
The kinds of movement
Cooperation, Confidence

First experiment for make conclusion to identify the kinds of movement
-  Read the text
-  Do the experiment
-  Answer the questions
-  Make a conclusion

- Identify the kinds of movement

Test, Non Test
Unstructured form (5 Essay), Observation paper
Identify these things movements!

Observation paper
What kinds of movement when the marble on the slide object?
   2 x 35    Minutes
Science Workbook T2EDI, marble, ball, slide object

The influences of weight thing’s movement

The influences of area thing’s movement

The influences of shape thing’s movement

The influences of track surface thing’s movement

Cooperation, Confidence

Discipline, diligence, responsibility,
Carefulness, cooperation, confidence

Discipline, diligence,
Cooperation, confidence

Cooperation, confidence
Second experiment for make conclusion to explain the  influences of weight thing’s movement
-  Pupils read the text
-  Pupils do the experiment
-  Pupils answer the questions
-  Pupils make conclusion

Third experiment for make conclusion to explain the influences of area thing’s movement
-    Pupils read the text
-    Pupils do the experiment
-    Pupils answer the question
-    Pupils make conclusion
Forth experiment for make conclusion to explain the influences of shape thing’s movement
-    Pupils read the text
-    Pupils do the experiment
-    Pupils answer the questions
-    Pupils make conclusions

Fifth experiment for make conclusion to explain the influences of track surface thing’s movement
-    Pupils read the text
-    Pupils do the experiment
-    Pupils answer the question
-    Pupils make conclusion

-    Explain the influences of weight thing’s movement

-    Explain the influences of area thing’s movement

Explain the influences of shape thing’s movement

Explain the influences of track surface thing’s movement
Test, Non Test

Test, Non Test

Test, Non Test

Test, non test
Unstructured form (2 Essay), Observation paper

Unstructured form (4 Essay), Observation paper

Unstructured form (5 Essay), Observation paper

Unstructured form (3 Essay), Observation paper
How weight can influence thing’s movement ? explain it!
Observation paper
Did both balls stop moving at the same time or different time?

Between the ball paper and the paper which one is faster reaching the floor?

Observation paper
Count time to reach the floor when you drop the paper ball!

Among ball, eraser and dice, which one is round?

Observation paper
How the ball roll?

Why did the ball stop at different time on tracks?

Observation paper
Count the distance of ball’s movement on the floor! (cm)
   2 x 35   Minutes

 2 x 35   Minutes

   2 x 35   Minutes

2 x 35 minutes
Small ball, big ball, Science workbook T2EDI

Paper ball, a piece of paper, Science
Workbook T2EDI

Ball, box eraser, dice,
Workbook T2EDI

Ball, carpet, paper, slide object, Science workbook T2EDI